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Welcome to CCGS

Recent technological developments in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Engineering provide new strategies to tackle pressing problems in cell biology. The Center for Cell and Genome Science (CCGS) provides a dynamic, interdisciplinary environment for development and pursuit of strategies to visualize, probe and manipulate the microscopic workings of cells. Our ambition is to understand how genetic information is translated into the molecular works of the cell, and how this machinery is arranged and controlled to build cells with unique functions.

Mission of CCGS


To focus on the creation of an interdisciplinary environment in which cell biologists, geneticists, mathematicians, chemists and physicists can work together to further research targeted to understanding the molecular machinery that contributes to cellular function. We envision an enriched environment that will drive cutting edge research, promote new interactions between faculty, open new areas of inquiry and generate competitive proposals for external funding.



To work to contribute to educational and research training experiences for University of Utah undergraduate students, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. The CCGS, comprised of faculty dedicated to interdisciplinary scientific research, will make a significant contribution to the University's goal of providing outstanding teaching and research training.



To develop new technologies for the advancement of the study of cell biology, including (but not limited to) the establishment of core facilities for optical microscopy and subdifffraction microscopy.



  • The CCGS is a decentralized interdisciplinary collaboration which includes key resources for students and faculty spanning different areas of research across the University of Utah campus.

    College of Science

  • CCGS members include:

    16 faculty 

    52 Students 


  • The CCGS provides annual hands-on training workshops in DNA Assembly, Advanced Microscopy, and core facilities to support research by undergraduate and graduate students alike. Additionally, the CCGS hosts resources regarding contemporary techniques in genomic sciences, imaging, and biological chemistry. The CCGS also fosters interdepartmental, interdisciplinary collaborations between participating labs to help facilitate student research.


  • In addition to providing training workshops for lab members and students, the CCGS also hosts core facilities that faculty can take advantage of to further their research. Annual CCGS events events also provide a venue for faculty to present their research, entice aspiring students, and engage the public in scientific discourse. 


Contact Us

Henry Eyring Center for Cell and Genome Science
1390 Presidents Circle
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Phone: 801-587-0537

Email Us