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Scientific progress depends on the availability of adequate resources as well as providing an atmosphere conducive to intellectual interactions. At this time, CCGS faculty are physically located in home departments at various locations on campus. To promote the sense of cohesiveness and purpose among faculty members of the CCGS, meetings, journal clubs and retreats are ongoing. As the CCGS develops, shared resources and scientific initiatives will both assist in fundraising and contribute to collegial interactions. An essential long-range goal will be to bring Center faculty and equipment core facilities together in a dedicated space on campus.

Electron Microscopy Core Facility

The Electron Microscopy Core Laboratory is sponsored by the Health Sciences Center and the School of Biological Sciences. Our techniques can help you understand structure and function.

To make a reservation for use of our equipment or services, please go to the Batch Viewer login page.



















Fluoresence Microscopy Core Facility

The Fluorescence Microscopy Facility provides access to a variety of fluorescence microscopes. Instruments are available for standard fluorescence microscopy, confocal microscopy, and super-resolution microscopy. Equipment is available for production, scanning, analysis and printing of all kinds of images. Training on equipment is provided. The facility is available to users throughout the University.

Fluorescence Microscopes

Confocal Microscope
Zeiss LSM 510 Meta confocal microscope, with Argon and HeNe lasers providing excitation wavelengths of 458, 488, 514, 543 and 633nm, and a Coherent Mira 900 tunable IR laser.

Fluorescence Microscope
Zeiss Axioplan microscope with Zeiss HRc camera.

Leica RM 2135 Microtome.
LKB Ultrotome III ultramicrotome.

Mass Spectrometry facility

Full service lab with on and off campus rates.

  • Waters LCT Premier XE TOF w/ Acquity Classic UPLC ToF High Resolution Exact Mass
  • Waters TQD Acquity UPLC w/ Acquity H Class UPLC
  • Agilent Tripple Quad GC
  • Waters Xevo G2S Q-ToF w/Acquity I Class UPLC Tandem Mass Spec
  • Maldi micro MX Maldi ToF
  • Agilent Single quad GC



















D.M. Grant NMR Center

The mission of the D.M. Grant NMR Center is to support the University of Utah research community. We offer access to modern NMR instruments, and support that access with basic training and training materials. But the Center is much more than an instrument facility.  The staff of the Center work closely with researchers to help them identify how NMR-based approaches can inform their research efforts. Traditionally, NMR has been successful in providing structural information on molecules - whether they be the result of synthetic strategies, derived from natural sources, or generated biosynthetically.  The Center supports efforts to answer structural questions using the best of modern NMR methods. In addition to structural answers, the Center staff help researchers answer questions involving materials science (compositional analysis), physical organic chemistry (reaction kinetics), and biophysics (kinetics, relaxation-based studies of local conformational fluctuations). Center staff are eager to learn about your science and share their expertise.  Contact information is available here.

Titan Krios Electron Microscope

Time lapse of the installation of the ThermoFisher Scientific Titan Krios electron microscope at the University of Utah’s Crocker Science