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For Undergraduates

Beckman Scholars Program

The Beckman Scholars Program is a 15 month mentored research program for exceptional undergraduates in chemistry, biological sciences, or interdisciplinary combinations thereof. Each internally selected scholar receives a $21,000 research stipend to facilitate mentored research for nine academic calendar months, and two three-month summers as well as $5,000 provided for the mentored research.

More Information     Current & Former Beckman Scholars     How to Apply 

For Graduate Students

Utah Graduate Research Fellowship (UGRF)

The University Graduate Research Fellowship (UGRF) is a one-year, non-renewable award of a 19,500 stipend intended to provide the opportunity for full-time research during the fellow’s academic year. 

        How to Apply 

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF-GRFP)

The NSF GRFP supports outstanding graduate students in STEM pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees at accredited US institutions. It is a five-year fellowship that includes three years of financial support $34,000 annual stipend and $12,000 institutional allowance.

Details and Eligibility    Recent Award Recipients     More Information